Lesson 3
Similar to last class, we listened to a piece of music to inspire the students to write stories, only this time it was individually. We listened to
Grand Canyon Suite: On the Trail by Ferde Grofe min 5:59-end:
I was amused by the kids reactions when the music abruptly got loud and the tempo sped up. It was quite the contrast to the "twinkly" beginning. Mrs. Bruce suggested that they use a vocabulary word in their story. I thought that was great. One of the kids was able to use all six, which was impressive.

We then talked about the music and what about the music gave us ideas for our stories. They were able to identify some dynamics like "fast, loud, and quiet." I posed the question, "What would movies be like if they didn't have any music?" A lot of them said it would be "boring." I explained to them that music affects our emotions and so in a movie they choose music that will make us feel how they want us to for that part in the story.
We briefly went over "Composer's intent" because I revealed to them what the two pieces we had listened to were really about. I helped them see that music can inspire the story and it also works the other way around with stories inspiring music. The lesson went pretty well!
- Classroom Management tips
I got some pointers about how to warn the kids before I start picking their names from the lollipop jar to answer questions. I want some of the shyer kids to participate more but I also don't want to "throw anyone under the bus" as they say, if they don't have a comment! Mrs. Bruce suggested giving them a moment to talk with the person next to them so that they at least have an idea of what to say if they are called on.
I got some good pointers about how to make dividing the kids into groups go a little more smoothly. Things like counting them off or saying "turn to the person next to you" worked well.
I started using an actual timer to stay on schedule.
- Some Rewards of Teaching
I feel more comfortable directing the class now and most of the students had a good time. I love when I walk in the classroom in the morning and someone excitedly yells "Mrs. Anderson!" It's nice to be in a position to make a positive influence.
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